As property owners directly across from and adjacent to the proposed development, we feel an acute responsibility to voice our concerns. This project not only threatens the safety, quality of life, and privacy but also challenges the historical and aesthetic integrity of our beloved neighborhood.
Summary of Objections:
- The proposed project will block light to numerous neighboring properties. Three neighboring properties, in particular, will be severely affected by this loss of natural light. More than 14 properties, consisting of over 100 residents, will have views of sunrise or sunset blocked.
- The proposed garage exit on Webster St poses a potential pedestrian safety risk and should be moved to Sacramento.
- The newly proposed lot line windows will lead to severe privacy concerns for the properties located at 2018, 2020, 2019, and 2021 Webster Street.
- Modifications to a landmark building, especially those visible from the street, should be prohibited and protected by San Francisco Historical Preservation Commission.
- Both lots are under a larger agreement with the City of San Francisco which requires further investigation.
- We oppose the removal of two mature street trees outside the property and call for a hearing before any removal permits are issued.
- We oppose the removal of two "Significant Trees" in the garden, which are protected due to their size and proximity to a public walkway.
- The developer provided wind study uses SFO wind speeds and directions which not align with our local experiences and observations. We believe the new structure will exacerbate already concerning wind speeds on Webster Street creating hazardous conditions with winds speeds exceeding 50mph.
- A neighborhood outreach meeting was inadequately publicized, leaving many key influential neighbors uninformed. We demand another properly noticed outreach meeting.
- Local residents were provided conflicting information during the initial neighborhood meeting about the proposed window placements.
- A setback between the proposed project and the property at 2018 Webster Street is essential for various safety and quality of life reasons.
- The proposed project does not align with the historic and current character of the neighborhood.
- Requested waivers/concessions under CA's Bonus Density law from the City are inappropriate given the adverse impacts on public safety risks and dubious cost-saving benefits.
Loss of sunrise and sunset
Upper floors of
2121 Webster (The Pacific) will lose sunrise views in the winter.
Example: 7:30am / November.
2019 & 2021 Webster Street and 2401 Sacramento will lose lighting in the morning for a majority of the year.
Example: 8am / April.
2018 & 2020 Webster Street will essentially become surrounded by structures double the normally allowed height and will lose some or all morning light for most of the year.
Example: 7am / June.
Sacramento 2329 will be severely impacted with a loss of nearly all direct light for the middle units of the property. CPMC uses this property for transplant patients and has stated this change would have a negative impact on the patients explicitly stating that this would not provide for a very welcoming and healing environment for their patients.
Example: 1pm / August.
Properties such as
2125 and 2141 Buchanan, 2315 Sacramento and more would lose sunset light (and views)
Example: 6pm March
Wind Dangers
Due to its elevation, terrain, and existing buildings Webster Street is one of the windiest streets in San Francisco for pedestrians. The proposed project will exacerbate already concerning wind speeds on Webster Street creating hazardous conditions with winds speeds exceeding 50mph. The developer provided wind study uses SFO wind speeds which are not directly applicable. A full windy study needs to be performed with local wind speed/direction measurement applied to Computational Fluid Dynamic simulations.
Example pedestrian level wind speeds on Webster Street, May 25 2022. Recorded wind speeds were nearly 10mph faster than those for SFO and those recorded 40ft above the sidewalk.
Historical Concerns:
The Library Science Building has a recognized Landmark status in San Francisco. We strongly object to the proposed project, which could negatively impact this historic building.
Additionally, multiple proposed changes to the landmark building, especially those visible from the street, are deeply concerning. The developers' intentions to remove trees or any property and near pedestrian walkways, which would otherwise obscure the view of these changes, further exacerbates this concern.
The garden lot and its historical significance have been inadequately addressed in the submitted HRE. This block on Webster Street is home to landmark and historical buildings. The garden lot's history, particularly the structures that once stood there, needs proper acknowledgment and respect.